25 giugno 2019

25-28 giugno, Madrid: la Fondazione Fossoli partecipa alla MSA Conference 2019

III Annual Memory Studies Association Conference

The MSA is a professional association for Memory Studies scholars, as well as those who are active in museums, memorial institutions, archives, the arts and other fields engaged in remembrance. The objective is to become the most important forum for the memory field - both through an annual, international and interdisciplinary conference and through a strong online presence.

June 27 | 15:00-16:30 | Complutense University Madrid

SPacE of MEmory. Europe and Latin America: A project | Panel 136 

Chair: Ihab Saloul | University of Amsterdam
1. Neyla Graciela Pardo Abril | Universidad Nacional de Colombia | Representaciones
mediáticas de las memorias. ¿Formulando Futuro?
2. Lars Ebert | Castrum Peregrini, Amsterdam | Art and Memory: Perspectives and
3. Alejandra Naftal | ESMA Site of Memory, Buenos Aires | Feeling comfortable/
uncomfortable in the Museum. The Case of ESMA in Buenos Aires
4. Lizel Tornay | Universidad de Buenos Aires | Viejos problemas, nuevos abordajes
en los Sitios de Memoria
5. Patrizia Violi | University of Bologna | Which Spaces for Traumatic Memories? A
Cooperative International Project
6. Francesca Schintu | Fossoli Camp Foundation, Carpi | The Complex Heritage of the
Fossoli Camp Foundation. History, Research, Memory

Download the complete program here | info@memorystudiesassociation.org